Saturday, November 26, 2011

November, 26, 2011.
This week was all about giving thanks, enjoying family, shopping a little and having fun!

Now I am ready to get ready to go to bed, of course I still need to convince my kids that is 9 and late, so they can go too... But before I go I just want to say I'll make an efford to enjoy the right now more, and I believe that if I do so I'll be a better mom, spouse and friend.
About being a friend, I felt so jealous and sad so many times this year because my friends from the past were making new friends and moving on. But not anymore. Friends are supose to be part of your life and be there for you. In my case, I moved far away from them, so be it, I'll always love them and care for them. I learned a great deal from them. I made lots of friends in Utah, some I still see it sometimes, some I don't know if I will ever see it again, but they made my life so much better, when I was learning a different language and how to survive without my family close by.
And now I'm having a different experience and I don't like when I see people so busy with their best friends from the past, or the previous ward, or whatever that they don't have time to value friends from right now! But hey, I can't change that!!I can only be myself and be a good friend..I am a dreamer, I think you can add a friend, you can make people fell special and important.
Maybe someday I'll have a good, or a best friend like I want too. Someone to talk to, for now thank goodness I have my husband, poor guy have to listened a lot about girls stuff!

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